Ceramic Grills
Ceramic grills are some of the most effective grills out there, on top of being a pleasure to cook with.
Using a ceramic grill is truly a different cooking experience. Ceramic grills tend to heat up much quicker and to a higher temperature than regular grills, making it much easier to sear meat before cooking it thoroughly at a lower temperature. Another key benefit is that the dome shape associated with ceramic grills allows for much more efficient use of charcoal, as well as better heat retention. This means that if you need to open your grill to add sauce or seasoning, it will be back up to temperature in no time.
Visit our store to view our range of Kamado Grills
Here at Outdoor Living by Memphis Pool, our Kamado and Louisiana ceramic grills are the best on the market. We carry a range of different styles and sizes too, so no matter what sort of grilling you want to do, we have a grill that can cater for it.
We serve customers with ceramic grills, including Kamado grills, throughout Memphis and the wider area of West Tennessee from our store in Collierville, so if you’re interested in one of our charcoal grills, why not give us a visit? Our team would be happy to discuss your outdoor entertainment options with you.